The rooms can accommodate up to 200 people.

Ground floor

Ancient residence of the Count, it is composed by six elegant rooms that follow one another, designing an original setting.


Total Sm 260 (different dimensions for each rooms, h. 4,40)
Can accommodate up to 200 seated guests, from 10 to 30 audience guests

Acceso disabili Servizi disabili Accesso con bus o furgoni Wireless Carico di energia elettrica 1 presa aerea cee 220 blu per ciascuna stanza Cucina attrezzata Capienza posteggio 1000 auto No deposito cauzionale

Planimetria Conte
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For further information, fill out the Corporate Events form or call 0290965254.

Consult the floor plans of all the conference rooms in the menu on the side. Prestigious event location in Brescia, Bergamo, Milan, Como and all of Lombardy.