Villa Castelbarco Location for weddings in Milan Wed, 25 Mar 2020 16:16:23 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 New Year’s Eve 2017 Mon, 13 Nov 2017 08:27:07 +0000 New Year’s Eve 2017 with Smart Events Smart Eventi organizes New Year’s Eve 2017 in the elegant and exclusive context of Villa Castelbarco. The “Galoppatoio” room will host the big New Year’s Eve dinner on round tables for 10 people....

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New Year’s Eve 2017 with Smart Events

Smart Eventi organizes New Year’s Eve 2017 in the elegant and exclusive context of Villa Castelbarco.

The “Galoppatoio” room will host the big New Year’s Eve dinner on round tables for 10 people.
The “Scuderia” room, in a romantic setting, will be dedicated to couples with a dinner on tables for 2 people.
After the midnight toast the evening will continue with music with DJ sets to dance until the morning.
For those who would like to come directly for the evening from 11.00 p.m. you can enter to toast together at the arrival of the new
year. The food, the music, our welcome guests and the magical atmosphere of Villa Castelbarco will make the evening unforgettable…

To make the beginning of the new year even more unique, the possibility of a dinner package plus overnight stay at the affiliated hotels.

Translated with (free version)

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Festival dei gatti 23 e 24 settembre 2017 Sat, 23 Sep 2017 07:22:51 +0000   Il primo evento dedicato a tutti i gatti! • Allevamenti di gatti di razza • Associazioni no-profit e gattili • Mercatini artigianali • Incontri con veterinari ed esperti • Facepainting • Cat women e Cosplay • Mostre fotografiche e...

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Il primo evento dedicato a tutti i gatti!
• Allevamenti di gatti di razza
• Associazioni no-profit e gattili
• Mercatini artigianali
• Incontri con veterinari ed esperti
• Facepainting
• Cat women e Cosplay
• Mostre fotografiche e mostre di pittura
• Laboratori gattodidattici
• Cat nail art
• Cat area relax
• Conferenze non-stop
• Ristoro e area street food
• Stravagatti
• gatti, gatti e ancora gatti!

Info <a href=”” target=”_blank”></a>

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Bobadilla estivo a Villa Castelbarco Sun, 07 May 2017 07:29:38 +0000 Bobadilla estivo a Villa Castelbarco IL VENERDì “J’ADORE J’ADORE: una serata elegante ed esclusiva che inizia dalle ore 21.00 con la cena animata da musica live, spettacoli e caratterizzata da una scelta tra un “Menù Pizza Gourmet” ad un costo...

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Bobadilla estivo a Villa Castelbarco


J’ADORE: una serata elegante ed esclusiva che inizia dalle ore 21.00 con la cena animata da musica live, spettacoli e caratterizzata da una scelta tra un “Menù Pizza Gourmet” ad un costo di euro 30,00 e un menù “Sushi” ad un costo di euro 35,00 entrambe comprensivi di dessert, vini, minerali, caffè, ingresso in discoteca e tavolo riservato per l’intera serata. Dalle ore 23.00 si balla e ci si diverte fino alle 4.00 del mattino con una ricercata selezione musicale dei nostri migliori dj e con un’animazione di alto livello.


Tutte le domeniche dalle ore 19.00 alle ore 01.30 del mattino vi aspettiamo per il mitico APERITIVO MARTINI, un appuntamento speciale per un aperitivo indimenticabile!

Si inizia alle ore 19.00 con una ricca e deliziosa cena a buffet ad isole tematiche, a seguire si balla fino alle 01,30 del mattino con la musica italiana delle migliori live band, con i nostri dj che suoneranno per voi le migliori hit-danc commerciali del momento e con la nostra animazione.

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MARTESANA – VII INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION Wed, 20 Jan 2016 12:00:47 +0000 OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE Organized by Lions Club Parco Adda Nord – Info 02 90988082 – at Villa Castelbarco – Via per Concesa 4 – 20069 Vaprio D’Adda (MI) EVENTS PROGRAMME SATURDAY 27 APRIL 2013 Hours 10.00 – 20.00 /...

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Organized by Lions Club Parco Adda Nord – Info 02 90988082 – at Villa Castelbarco – Via per Concesa 4 – 20069 Vaprio D’Adda (MI)


Hours 10.00 – 20.00 / Free admission

11.00 a.m.: official opening of the Martesana Artistic Review and the exhibition “The River and Leonardo” in the presence of the city authorities and Lions.
5.30 p.m. Fashion show by fashion designer Napoleao César
6.00 pm: Happy Hour “Aperitif with Art”.
6.15 p.m.: Viennese Waltz Show Dance – Carol Alberio and Luigi Ferrari pair of dancers International Standard Class A dancers
8.30 pm: Charity Gala Dinner (cost € 60,00, reservation T. 02 90988082).

Hours 10.00 – 19.00 / Free admission

10.00-17.00 Free medical screening by the “Lions Club” medical staff (vision, hearing, breathing, diabetes, blood pressure)

18.00: Happy Hour “Aperitif with the Are”.

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Exhibitions and fairs Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:19:15 +0000   The exhibitions in Villa Castelbarco are always a success, thanks to our prestige, to the beauty of the House and to our constant supervision.

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The exhibitions in Villa Castelbarco are always a success, thanks to our prestige, to the beauty of the House and to our constant supervision.

The post Exhibitions and fairs first appeared on Villa Castelbarco.

Where you can experience great emotions Tue, 05 Jan 2016 11:23:38 +0000 In Vaprio d’Adda, province of Milan, Villa Castelbarco stands along the Naviglio canal and the Adda river, dipped into an amazing natural frame made of eighty thousand square meters of park where it is still possible to see some free...

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In Vaprio d’Adda, province of Milan, Villa Castelbarco stands along the Naviglio canal and the Adda river, dipped into an amazing natural frame made of eighty thousand square meters of park where it is still possible to see some free deer.

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A charming location Tue, 05 Jan 2016 11:22:53 +0000 You will be welcomed in this charming historic location which is going to make unique and unforgettable the day of your wedding. You will be the perfect householder and your guests will be amazed by the splendor of the House...

The post A charming location first appeared on Villa Castelbarco.

You will be welcomed in this charming historic location which is going to make unique and unforgettable the day of your wedding. You will be the perfect householder and your guests will be amazed by the splendor of the House and its gardens, by the large and elegant rooms and by your perfectly personalized menu.

The post A charming location first appeared on Villa Castelbarco.

The appeal of history Tue, 22 Sep 2015 11:10:40 +0000 The beginning of the settlement is thought to date back to 1100. In that period, according to some scholars a Cistercian monastery was constructed by the friars in the same area, after the wrecking of what was considered the “centre”...

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The beginning of the settlement is thought to date back to 1100. In that period, according to some scholars a Cistercian monastery was constructed by the friars in the same area, after the wrecking of what was considered the “centre” of the Cistercians. This church should date from the VII century and probably stood where today the church of “San Colombiano”, in Vaprio d’Adda, is located.

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BUCOLICA – COUNTRY LIVING Sun, 28 Jul 2013 14:44:14 +0000 BUCOLICA COUNTRY LIVING FROM 13 TO 15 SEPTEMBER 2013 | FROM 10.00 TO 19.00 at Villa Castelbarco is a new, captivating, refined exhibition project of a cultural and entertainment nature to bring the public closer to the philosophy, style and...

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FROM 13 TO 15 SEPTEMBER 2013 | FROM 10.00 TO 19.00

at Villa Castelbarco

is a new, captivating, refined exhibition project of a cultural and entertainment nature to bring the public closer to the philosophy, style and atmosphere of country life, in line with an exponentially growing trend: the return to nature, linked to leisure, but not only.

The fulcrum of the event will be a market exhibition, characterized by a careful selection of exhibitors, where past professions are flanked by new creative proposals to present the best the market offers in terms of services and products, the result of ancient craftsmanship.

From furniture to fancy goods, from clothing to sport, from home to garden, from stables to vegetable garden, from typical products to handicrafts, to recover the relationship with our roots and the taste of living according to the rhythms of nature, breathing the scents of the earth, tasting the flavors and enjoying the daily pleasures.

The event aims to recreate the complicity between man, nature and its elements, inviting visitors to approach the country world to rediscover its intrinsic elegance and subtle refinement through a series of quality events.



Villa Castelbarco Via Concesa 4 Vaprio d’Adda MI

Motorway A4, exit at Trezzo sull’Adda, follow signs for Vaprio d’Adda

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LA CUSINNA MILANESA Thu, 19 Apr 2012 11:02:50 +0000 GIOVEDI’ 19 APRILE 2012 ORE 21.00 LA CUSINNA MILANESA AL CUBEBA DI VILLA CASTELBARCO Zenna tutta meneghina cont on spettacol noeuv de pacca, la gent che mangia, el coeugh ch’el spiega come faa de mangià, i canzon de la papatoria,...

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GIOVEDI’ 19 APRILE 2012 ORE 21.00



Zenna tutta meneghina cont on spettacol noeuv de pacca, la gent che mangia, el coeugh ch’el spiega come faa de mangià, i canzon de la papatoria, el Luis ch’el passa tra i tavol a versà de bev. L’insemma de la serada tegnuda su de corda dal Brivio cont i barzellet sui primm, sui second, sul dessert e sul cafè.


  • Ore 20.30
    El public entra nel Restaurant (se el voeur lavass i man a gh’hin ricchissim toelettes). Aperitiv con
    varietà de antipast milanes.
  • Ore 21.00
    El coeugh descriv quel che el sarà servì come primm piatt. El presenta insemma al Brivio el second, el terz… el quart… el cafè el mazza cafè.
  • oss bus cont el risott giald
  • per chi le voeur, bis del risott
  • bei tocch de formagg – l’insalatta
  • per seguì el ditt: la bocca l’è mai stracca se la sa no de vacca
  • la frutta de stagion el dolz
  • e per chi voeur: la barbaiada
  • Ore 22.30
    Se passa al Kabadance (cabaret con discoteca)
  • Ore 22.45
    Spettacol de Kabaret cont el Brivio (vun de I Gufi) e la partecipazion de la Raimondi.
    (cansonett milanes – canson d’osteria con barzellet – proverbi e la fisa de Sergio Ferrari)
  • Ore 24.00
    Se balla fina ai do’ con la discomusic

Prezzi della zenna tutt compres € 30,00 (vin in caraffa, mineral, cafè e la prima consummazion al kabadance)
Entrada soll Kabadance € 15,00 (con prima consummazion)


La serata non è unica, fa parte di un vasto programma che vede ogni Giovedì un avvenimento gastronomico seguito da un Kabaret appropriato.


Tel. 02 90988187 – 335 1937924 –
CUBEBA VILLA CASTELBARCO via per Concesa Vaprio d’Adda (MI)

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